Twilla Johnson is an assistant for Northern Michigan Elder Law. Twilla works at the Charlevoix office where she manages the phones, office calendar, serves as a notary, works with local courts and drafts deeds and property transfer affidavits.

Johnson grew up in Central Kentucky and graduated with a B.A in English from Eastern Kentucky University. She also has a certificate in Business and Office.

Previously, Twilla worked with the Petoskey News-Review, the Charlevoix Courier and the Gaylord Herald Times re-writing press releases, managing their calendar sections in addition to being the content coordinator for the Seasonal Guides for the News-Review and the Gaylord Paper.

She has two daughters and one lovely grandchild. Johnson lives in Charlevoix where she enjoys the many lakes and beaches in the area and is a member of Grace Community Church.

NMEL belongs to a National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys called Wealthcounsel, which keeps us at the forefront of our field and lets us find you counsel in every jurisdiction in the United States and even abroad should you have assets in more than Michigan.