Nancy Swartz is an Assistant to the Attorneys at Northern Michigan Elder Law, PLC (NMEL). Her focus is with Medicaid and is known as the “Medicaid Captain” at NMEL.
Nancy grew up in Oak Park, Michigan and attended Michigan State University receiving a B.A. in Business. She also attended Walsh College in Troy, MI where she received her Master’s Degree in International Finance.
Nancy worked at Michigan Department of Health & Human Services for 29 years in the area of Long Term Care Medicaid and ran her own business assisting with Medicaid for those entering Long Term Care Facilities. Nancy joined NMEL in 2020.
Nancy and her husband have lived in Traverse City for 13 years raising their boys and enjoying the great outdoors of Northern Michigan while volunteering in the community.
NMEL belongs to a National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys called Wealthcounsel, which keeps us at the forefront of our field and lets us find you counsel in every jurisdiction in the United States and even abroad should you have assets in more than Michigan.